In the working world of this day and age, a lot of people are so happy to find the right job that they don’t worry about what’s in the contract they sign before beginning employment. But when the new employee actually reads the contract, which everyone should, some things can catch your attention.
A non-compete clause is found in almost every New York business contract, and the details are often similar. The duration is typically one-to-three years and the area involved is usually the area in which the company operates heavily. So, how worried should you be about this non-compete agreement?
The average entry-level worker shouldn’t worry too much about this issue, as usually only skills have been learned, not insider secrets. It is when people who may have learned specific, important information on the job that they should pay attention to the “nitty gritty” details. For example, a newspaper writer may have gained contacts for information on one job, a salesman may have leads on potential clients, or businessman has been trusted with the secrets of a company’s inner workings, and these are the types of jobs where you have to be extremely careful.
The bottom line is if you have information or major experience that your former employers wouldn’t feel comfortable with just handing over to a competitor, you need to be knowledgeable about the restraints your non-compete agreement puts in place.
If you have questions about a current or previous New York non-compete agreement that you may be held to, contact a New York business litigation attorney who can help you determine what your options are. The Law Offices of Jonathan M. Cooper offer a free consultation and can help get you moving in the right direction. Their book 3 Reasons That Your Employment Agreement May Not Be Worth The Paper It's Printed On is available to order for free online.