
  • Grocery Manufacturers Association

    The GMA, or Grocery Manufacturers Association, is the centralized, public and government relations advocacy and scientific research conglomerate that acts on behalf of some of the largest consumer products and food companies worldwide.

  • New York City Department of Buildings

    New York City's Department of Buildings’ database contains valuable information on properties throughout New York City's five boroughs, including property inspections, status of certificates of occupancy, as well as complaints and violations regarding these properties.

  • USA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

    The USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is responsible for assuring the safety of American agriculture, particularly regarding vegetation, produce and animals.

  • USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service

    This site is actually a virtual assistant, which provides information about preventing of food poisoning or other food-based sickness, and also answers questions about proper food preparation and handling of egg, chicken and meat products that is culled from the USDA's extensive database of information.

  • New York State Consumer Protection Board

    The New York State Consumer Protection Board is a local arm of the Federal Consumer Product Safety Commission, and also has programs and initiatives aiming to reduce identity theft, and to promote the safety and privacy of personal data.


    This site, which is the product of the collaborative effort of six distinct governmental entities, is an attempt to provide a centralized location to find information on governmental recalls, safety instructions, or to file a complaint about dangerous or defective products.

  • Microsoft Small Business

    Microsoft's small business articles and resources is a good repository of information for small business owners on a broad range of topics, with many "how to" articles that are a good starting point for further research.

  • U.S. Food and Drug Administration

    The FDA is a subsidiary of the Department of Health and Human Services, and is charged with the responsibility of protecting consumers and the general public safety from numerous products, particularly medical devices and medications, cosmetics and food products. Their site has important information on product recalls, and is regularly updated.

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

    This agency, which is a division of the nation's Department of Health and Human Services, has a website is full of good health information on topics ranging from disease control and prevention to injury, violence and safety in the workplace, and in general. The CDC's mission statement claims that it is responsible to note those health challenges that can be prevented, and in that role, it conducts ongoing investigations, including epidemiological and other scientific studies to develop programs to control, limit and prevent the spread of infectious disease.

  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

    This organization is one division of the Federal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which in turn is a division within the United States Department of Health and Human Services. NIOSH was established pursuant to Federal Statute in 1970 in order to assure a safer working environment, and eliminating or reducing hazards for American workers through its educational, and training, and is largely a research-based entity. In that regard, NIOSH's research in determining what are safe - or unsafe - exposure levels for different toxic substances and elements of exposure to toxic materials and harmful physical agents and substances, for example, is intrinsic to, and dovetails with, its power that allows it to recommend standards and conduct training for job-related health and safety. In the same vein, NIOSH is also authorized to contract with third parties, including private companies, to conduct research that furthers the agency's goals.

  • National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

    The NHTSA's website is a great resource for news, reports and studies on the automotive industry. Their site covers a broad range of topics ranging from drunk driving and safe driving tips to products and defective or dangerous product recalls as they pertain to child car seat safety.

  • Westlaw

    This site is one of the primary, if not the primary, tool that New York attorneys use for their legal research needs, for everything ranging from New York cases and statutes, to rules, regulations and codes.

  • New York State Court Website

    This site has been revamped, and now contains a lot of useful information for both attorneys and the general public about the courts, individual judge's rules, and many fillable forms that can be downloaded for free from the Court's website. Additionally, you can track the status of your case - for free - at this website.

  • E-Law

    E-Law is a very popular, free site that allows you to track any case in the Supreme Courts of New York State, as well as cases in the Civil Courts of New York City by either the parties' names, or by the case's index or docket number. The site has another good feature that allows you to see which records are on file with the Court clerk.

  • New York Doctor Profile

    The New York State Physician Profile provides background information on all doctors that are licensed to practice medicine in the State of New York, including links to discover whether they have been disciplined by the Office of Professional Misconduct and Physician Discipline.

  • Consumer Product Safety Commission

    This agency was established nearly 30 years ago to oversee the safety of thousands of consumer products as they relate to children. In particular, the agency is focused on reducing or eliminating from the marketplace those products that have an unreasonable risk level for fire, chemical or electrical problems. Their website is a valuable resource for verifying the safety and recall information on defective or dangerous products.