When considering bringing a breach of fiduciary duty claim in New York, time is not on your side. This area of the law is complex and requires the guidance of an experienced New York breach of fiduciary duty lawyer to ensure that you do not miss a legal deadline. You are subject to a statute of limitations for bringing your claim. Therefore, it is vital that you contact an attorney right away.

The following is a brief overview of how the statute of limitations applies to a breach of fiduciary action in New York:

  • The statute of limitations for a breach of fiduciary duty claim can vary, making it even more important that you seek guidance from a knowledgeable professional.
  • The statute of limitations for a breach of fiduciary duty claim depends upon the type of judicial relief that is sought.
  • If you are attempting to have the court undo the deal that you had with the fiduciary, you will have a six-year statute of limitations.
  • If you are seeking monetary damages, you will have a three-year statute of limitations.

If you attempt to pursue a breach of fiduciary duty action without the guidance of a knowledgeable professional, you may inadvertently use up your time limitations. Your attorney will need adequate time to analyze the facts and circumstances surrounding your case, gather supporting evidence, and develop the best strategy for your case. It is, therefore, important that you act quickly if you suspect a breach of fiduciary duty.

To learn more about breach of fiduciary actions, contact a New York business litigation attorney today. Call our office at (888) 497-3410 for a consultation.