In an effort to educate the general public - BEFORE they even contact a lawyer - about the necessary elements to a successful claim in the areas of:
- school negligence;
- construction accidents;
- defective or dangerous products;
- auto accidents; or
- slip and/or trip and fall accidents
Long Island & Queens, New York personal injury attorney Jonathan Cooper has published numerous educational articles on these topics. By way of background, Jonathan Cooper is the published author of the Free book on New York accident claims, "Why Most Accident Victims Do Not Recover the Full Value of Their Claim," as well as the New Yorker's guide to defective product claims, "Why Are There So Few Successful Defective Products Lawsuits?"
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Is My Breach of Fiduciary Duty Claim Too Late?Long Island, NY business litigation lawyer Jonathan Cooper discusses how to calculate the statute of limitations for bringing a breach of fiduciary duty claim.
Why Bad Faith Claims Against NY Insurers Usually FailUnlike many other states, in NY it's almost impossible to win attorneys' fees or punitive damages against insurers that unreasonably delay or deny claims
How to Prove an Unfair Competition Claim Under New York LawWondering how to prove an unfair competition claim under New York law? NY non-compete & breach of fiduciary duty attorney Jonathan Cooper explains.
How Conversion Doctrine is Used to Fight Industrial Theft"What Is Conversion Under New York Law?" It's probably not what you think, explains New York business litigation attorney Jonathan Cooper.
How Insurance Brokers Can Be Liable for Getting the Wrong Coverage in NYInsurance brokers may dislike it, but there are instances where they can be held liable for securing the wrong kind of insurance coverage, says Jonathan Cooper
How To Prove A Successful Business Fraud Claim Under NY LawIn this article, New York small business lawyer Jonathan Cooper discusses what a plaintiff must prove in order to prevail on a business fraud claim.
How Fraudulent Inducement Claims in New York Are Won (& Lost)NY business litigation lawyer Jonathan Cooper lays out the elements of a successful claim for fraudulent inducement, and the reason why most of these claims fail